Found Triptych

Photopoem Exquisite Corpses

In this triptych, I play with repetition, a wooden model of a hand, and other writings to create a "found poem" + photo - a photopoem. A found poem uses text from other writings to create a new poem.

2023 photography, wooden hand, found writings (poetry, titles, dialogue)



Source: Star Trek's Picard, Episode 4 - Absolute Candor



Sources: Giorno’s An Unemployed Machinist | Minh Nguyen’s Still, Somehow | Japanese Fuji-Q Highland amusement park guideline | Banksy’s Exit Through The Gift Shop



Sources: Natalie C. Parker's Seafire Trilogy | Movie Titles: There Will Be Blood | Broken Embraces | Lost in Translation | Hope Floats | Everything Everywhere All At Once

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